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Welcome to Eat Greens, Too!

I still remember the first time I bought and ate lettuce from a local farmer’s market. I was on my way to a friend’s house for dinner and a blind date! I wanted to make a good impression and offered to bring the salad. Everyone at the table commented about the red leaf lettuce in my salad. No,  the relationship didn’t last,  but my love affair with fresh local food lives on!

I used to focus on special occasions. What special treat will I have to eat? What special outfit will I wear? But,  everyday is an important event,  too. Which leads me to ask the question,  “How can I eat the best foods everyday?”

Now,  I am on a personal quest to find and consume the best possible foods everyday. My motivation is based on my goal to stay at a healthy weight and enjoy eating wonderful foods,  too. In the past,  vegetables were often the least varied and most neglected part of my diet. Searching out new flavors at local markets will help me incorporate new foods in a tasty way. I want to chew,  taste,  and savor my food rather than inhaling it. As in all aspects of my life,  I want to discover and experience wonder every day. I hope you join me along the way.

Since I am fortunate to live in San Diego County,  I will have an abundance of markets to visit. I plan to write about one market or farm each week. Of course,  there will be interruptions and weeks that don’t work out as planned,  so I’ll keep you posted on my best backup plan for finding good fresh foods during those times. Also,  I hope to inspire you,  wherever you are,  to find good local fresh foods.