Elite Networking Tea Tasting Menu

1. Kashmiri Chai Black Tea and Seared Figs with Goat Cheese

Tea ingredients: Black tea blended with cardamom, mint, nutmeg, and  Tellicherry pepper

Seared fig recipe adapted from: http://californiafigs.com/recipe.php?id=377



2. Tra Que Chai Black Tea and Iroquois Cornmeal and Thyme Tea Cookies

Tea ingredients: Black tea blended with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves

Cornmeal-Thyme cookie recipe:  http://www.marthastewart.com/314257/cornmeal-thyme-cookies


3. Herbal Chai Rooibos Tea (non-caffeinated) and Whole Wheat Pumpkin Scones

Tea ingredients: Rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and cloves

Whole-wheat pumpkin scones recipe adapted from:
http://adashofsass.com/2009/10/04/whole-wheat-pumpkin- scones/

Special Notes:
I used Baker’s Blend Spice Mix from Old Town Temecula Spice Merchants.

Some whole wheat flour is high in protein,  which requires more liquid in the recipe.  I used high protein wheat,  which I ground  myself,   and added 2 extra tablespoons of both pumpkin and cream.

4. Energizing Anti-oxidant Raw Cacao Bean and Matcha Green Tea Shake

Ingredients: Soymilk, Greek-style yogurt, bananas, ground flax seeds, ground cacao beans, Matcha green tea, vanilla
extract, and cinnamon

Special Note: I used Raw Fiber from Garden of Life in place of the ground flax seeds.


Additional Product Information

Chai teas were purchased at Infusions of Tea in La Jolla, CA
Sadly, this company is now out of business. Tea Gallerie in Kearney Mesa is a great source for chai and other types of tea.

Matcha Green Tea was purchased at Extraordinary Desserts, San Diego, CA

Cacao beans were purchased at Sacred Chocolate

“The Dirty Dozen” pesticide information can be found at Environmental Working Group

Nutrition information can be found at SELF Nutrition Data

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